Drone Records
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Album Format Label & Cat. Number Description Year Price (incl. 19% VAT)  
Efequen CD Unfathomless U15 experimental field recording ambience based on material recorded on the island of Lanzarote (ocean-sounds, nocturnal insects, swamps, etc..); fabric-pressed CD, numbered ed. 200 copies; hazy, slowed down, rustling & hallucinogenic in a relaxing way.. 2013 €14.00
Oiarzun mCD-R Taalem alm92 the fourth published work by this promising French 'new experimental drone' artist, who uses mysterious field recordings taken from "vibrant matters of acoustic origins" and musical instruments for his long stretched transcension-drones that spread out like wind flurries in many directions, with slowly elevating overtunes like living creatures.. beautiful stuff, highly recommended !! 2013 €5.00
Fallow Memory CD Unfathomless U31 Drone Records artist JEREMIE MATHES (see Drone-Mind Vol. 4) is back and this wide spatial one-tracker (43+) sound almost like a continuation of his piece on the LP - these vast reverberating field recordings with a far away deep bass and incredible metallic sounds come from a huge empty silo tank at an abandoned industrial complex in South of France, undertaken in complete darkness... lim. 200 2015 €14.00
In[Core]Wat[t] CD Unfathomless U53 JEREMIE MATHES lives in Cambodia where he collected field recordings from Buddhist temples for three years; these served as a basis for this 40 min. long magnificent field recording composition => the acoustic 'perfume' of these places (atmospheric noises, talks, musical fragments, nature sounds, etc.) merges into one long dreamlike stream, a permanent gentle crystallization of more concrete sonic objects out of a droning sphere... highly recommended! lim. 200 2018 €14.00
Arkhaios 10inch Substantia Innominata SUB-27 cavernous 'musique concrete' from this French composer living in Cambodia.. You get the impression as being under the earth in a place populated by metallic amoeba or other smallest creatures, inside sewerage ducts or an deserted mine, exposed to the circulation of air...This is the spirituality of the underworlds! - ed. of 300 copies, black vinyl, 37 min length !! 2020 €15.00