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Format: CD Label & Cat.Number: Edition RZ ed.RZ 3005 Release Year: 2009 Note: *This is an assemblage of works by Finnish electroacoustic composer Patrick Kosk. Recordings from the Elektronic Studio at the TU Berlin, the Studio of the Institut International de Musique Electroacoustique de Bourges, and the artist's studio.* - amazing organic and breathing sounding stuff, tiniest micro details, field recordings in a new context.. highly recommended overlooked release, 6 compositions, over 70 min playtime, gatefold digipak + 12 page booklet
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €15.00 Warning: Currently we do not have this album in stock!
More Info"Die Klänge, die am Anfang eines Werkes stehen, legen den Komponisten nicht auf eine bestimmte Form fest. Jeder Klang ist in verschiedenen Kontexten denkbar. Zwar ist in Kosks Werkkommentaren wiederholt von der "Logik" des Klangmaterials die Rede, von der "Kohärenz" und der "Stringenz" musikalischer Formen.Aber damit ist weder die teleologische, auf eine Erlösung hin ausgerichtete Form klassischer Provenienz gemeint, noch ist es ihm um die Konsequenz- und Vollständigkeitsästhetik der frühen Avantgarde zu tun. Kosk sucht stattdessen Spannungsverhältnisse, die sich nicht auflösen lassen; er schafft Antithesen, die sich einer Synthese verweigern. Kosks Logik ist eine der Brüche und Unvorhersehbarkeiten. 2008 release. This is an assemblage of works by Finnish electroacoustic composer Patrick Kosk. Recordings from the Elektronic Studio at the TU Berlin, the Studio of the Institut International de Musique Electroacoustique de Bourges, and the artist's studio. From 1976-1981, Kosk studied composition at the electronic music studio at Helsinki University. From 1981-1991, he was mainly active as a freelance composer and a sound designer at the experimental studio of the Finnish radio. Since 1978, Kosk has composed electroacoustic music in various forms for theater, performance, dance, radio broadcasting, films and visual arts. The sounds that open a work do not prescribe a determined form for the composer. Every sound is conceivable in different contexts. Indeed, the “logic” of the sound material comes up repeatedly in Kosk’s notes on his works, of the “coherence” and “stringency” of musical forms. But this suggests neither the teleological form of redemptive classical provenance, nor is he concerned with the aesthetics of consistency and integrity of the early avant-garde. Instead, Kosk looks for relationships of tension that do not resolve; he creates antitheses that refuse a synthesis. Kosk’s logic is one of fragmentation and unpredictability." [label info] listen: |
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