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CISFINITUM Tactio CD Mechanoise Labs MN033 2008 €10.00

"mechanoise" entries in albums descriptions

Artist Album Format Description Year Price (incl. 19% VAT)  
BARDOSENETICCUBE The sacral Member mCD-R Two tracks that evoke an exotic atmosphere with effected voices & deep frequenced wave-drones... quite special & hallucinogenic again! "Bardoseneticcube is a now well-known artist from russia, with releases on various labels like Drone Records, Steinklang, Athanor or Mechanoise Labs. For this 3", Bardoseneticcube has looked into his archives and found these two tracks in an ambient/ritual style, sometimes rhythmed by percussions that could remind our dear Internal Fusion." [label info] 2006 €5.00
CISFINITUM Tactio CD Mitschnitt des denkwürdigen CISFINITUM-Konzerts im Bremer St. Petri-Dom vom 24. November 2005, welches v.a. durch die Verwendung monumentaler Kirchenglocken-Drones besticht (Aufnahmen einer russischen Kirche basieren); es fand statt im Rahmen der REIHE ELEKTRONISCHER MUSIK ("Rapid Ear Movement"), kuratiert von CHRISTOPH OGIERMANN. "CISFINITUM ist eines der am längsten bestehenden Moskauer Industrial / Experimental/ Elektronik - Projekte (Gründung 1989) und steht für die russische Variante des sogenannten „ambient Industrial“, „drone“ oder „dark ambient“. Als „dark ambient“ bezeichnet man in der neueren elektronischen Musik seit einigen Jahren die „dunkle“ Seite der atmosphärisch-experimentellen Musik, bei der es oft weniger um den explizit Ablauf der Komposition geht, als vielmehr um die Schaffung „bewusstseinsverändernder“ Atmosphären mit Hilfe von Klang. Hinter CISFINITUM steckt Evgueny Voronovsky, ein ausgebildeter Violinist, der neben konkreten und instrumentellen Klangquellen auch alte sowjetische Synthesizer in neuem Kontext benutzt (wie auf der letzten CD-Veröffentlichung „BEZDNA“ [Monochrome Vision]), z.B. den legendären ANS. CISFINITUM (=„Jenseits des Endlichen“) ist ein Text & Begriff des russischen Dichters Daniil Charms, der für die „Logik der unendlichen Nicht-Existenz“steht: das was hinter dem Verstandesmässigem liegt. Die Endlichkeit der logischen Welt wird durch die Logik selbst nachgewiesen." [Konzertankündigungs-Info Drone Records] "With a parsimonious discography mostly released on seasoned Russian labels such as Waystyx, Ewers Tonkunst and Monochrome Vision, Evgeny Voronovsky has established himself as an uniquely engaging artist in the country's current ambient scene. Under the name of Cisfinitum, he has taken a syncretic approach to an often codified genre, uniting his formal training as a violinist at the Moscow State University with his affinity for concrete sounds and experimental structures. Past releases have shown a capacity to synthesize these factors at times while emphasizing the contrasts between them at others, sometimes over the course of a single track. In this aspect, this album follows the tradition faithfully. Tactio is the live recording of a Cisfinitum concert at the St. Petri Dom (St. Peter's Cathedral) in Bremen, on November 24, 2005. The particular (and as expected highly favorable) acoustics of this environment were consistently used not only as an enhancing effect but as an integral foundation for the performance, making it unmistakeably tied to its context. Presented in the form of six continuous tracks, the album is a contemplative composition of vibrant drones, reverberating bells and synthesized resonance, gracefully evolving from the celestial tones of its start to the tellurian pulses of its climax. This is a piece of work that is elaborate in its simplicity, and it's with much appreciation that it is presented here today. The beautiful iconic artwork by Evgeny Kuprienko further emphasizes the relic-like qualities of this recording." [label description] www.mechanoise-labs.com 2008 €10.00
KRYPTOGEN RUNDFUNK Liquid Circuits CD " "Liquid Circuits" is the second solo studio album by Kryptogen Rundfunk released 12 years after the debut album "22.SZ" (Mechanoise Labs, 2004). The gap between these two works was filled with many collaborations and split recordings with such artists as Hladna, Lunar Abyss, Neznamo, Umpio, Forgttn, to name a few, and many tracks on various experimental and noise music compilations. Behind the project stands M.M., also known for running the ZHELEZOBETON and Muzyka Voln labels and participating in other projects such as Hattifnatter, Govorit Radio Kosmos, etc. The album is built on the use of analogue synthesizers and effect processors, various found sounds, samples and, of course, traditional for this project multiple kinds of radio noises and interceptions recorded both in home studio and various unusual places (the Caucasus mountains, Kola polar region, several cities of Western Europe…). Kryptogen Rundfunk combines elements of sound collage, drone and dark ambient, power electronics, chaotic and structured noise, weaving his multilayered musical fabric from them. Sonic streams radiate with all shades of frequencies, looped pieces of interference spiral out and soft rhythmic pulsations make room for scorching detailed electric noise burning out holes in sonic perception." 2016 €12.00
LA CASA, ERIC W2 (1998-2008) do-CD "A collection of previous released compositions and longtime sold out made between 1998 and 2008 and gather under two main theme, Water and Wind. + a few unreleased pieces. A geographic inventory, a sonic journal, a living alchemy, the pulsing of the world. With Les pierres du seuil, S'ombre, Spirale, Les oscillations, L'Inspir du rivage, Dans le feuillage du lointain, la clameur d'un bruissement, Quelque chose de cela, le désert, L'air au fond rouge, Les aubes sont navrantes." [label info] www.herbalinternational.tk "Essential compilation of now hard to find material from sound artist Eric La Casa, thematically separated onto two CDs around the themes of wind and water. These pieces are just as much shaped by geography as by time itself, with each track's vocabulary varying according to what was recorded then and there. As always La Casa masterfully crafts compelling sound stories with these two elements, emphasizing narration over some purely static documentary exercise. The sound of breezes, flowing rivers, wind tunnels, rain drops and other storms are structured but never denatured, retaining all of their organic depth and beauty. Absolutely recommended, especially to those appreciative of G*Park." [Mechanoise Labs] 2010 €20.00