Drone Records
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PAULSEN, TERJE - From a nearby Bay

Format: mCD-R
Label & Cat.Number: Taalem alm 107
Release Year: 2015
Note: this interesting Norwegian artist presents a 21+ min. long track in the Taalem mcdr series with experimental field recrordings: small object sounds that creak & crunch, stones & water (?),recordings from the atmosphere around, whisperings from himself... this all builds a hyper subtle "magic realism" acoustic, quite unusual & fascinating...
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €5.00

More Info

"terje paulsen is a norwegian sound artist whose previous digital and physical productions were released by mystery sea, impulsive habitat, conv, resting bell or gruenrekorder. you'll guess then that he mainly deals with experiments and field recordings. he usually works with simple instruments and equipment and sounds from found objects.
for this powerful track, terje has also used his own voice, which is a very new things for him. these whispers in norwegian language add a little mystery to the track." [label info]
